Monday 21 March 2011

Not cut out for this anymore.

For being a step-mother, that is... and right now I am questioning my parenting. Rose's behaviour is taking a toll on me very much. I'm still sick with some gastro flu thing going around and I had to deal with her tantrum this morning, on the way home from school again, and now she's asking for her shoes... ones that were taken away because they were too small and she won't leave them alone.

And another thing is on my mind, that I feel so freaking ashamed of on one hand, and so pissed off at my mother, and questioning staff at this place...

Ok so my son who is 3 1/2 is going to school next year and the early years center here (basically a place for mothers and parents and children to go, they offer various free programs and educational tools) offers a once a month readiness program.

Well origionally, today would have been the day for this month. But a month ago they called and changed it. To next Monday. I had both times written in my book forgetting to mark off today. But I didn't realize this until he was returned. And a month ago is a long time when you deal with as much as I deal with, every day is a new challenge here.

So I was sick with whatever it was yesterday and am not back to myself, not feeling well at all but better a little today. So I arranged for my mother to take my son in to this program today thinking it was happening. I even called this morning to let the person know who runs it, my mother would be taking him, since normally it's me and I stay in the other play room or sometihng in the building since it's a half hour bus ride and it's pointless to leave. So my mother shows up and takes him and I think all is well and enjoy some relaxing time.

Well she brings him home on time, but that was when I found out what happened!

She tells me nothing is going on in the room I told her to take him, someone in the staff told her to go to another room, and she just leaves him there! So he was there for an hour and a half with a total stranger, another mother who just happened to be there with her child! And this mother, obviously not impressed, blasted my mother out.

So I find out when she brings him home. 1) I am pissed that no staff told her it was not happening, and that no one called me today. I called this morning, and ALL the regular staff know at this place who Darien is and who he is with normally, he has been going there almost every month since he was a baby for one program or another. They have all my contact information for when the program is running. Why did no one think to call? Did no one check the messages this morning? Did no one see my mother leave without him? 2) Why did my mother leave him there knowing nothing was happening? Why didn't she ask a staff member about it when she saw no one in the room? 3) I feel responcable just as much as I should have marked it off in my book, or noticed when I looked ahead a week it was there and questioned it more. I know it's only once a month. I would have known it was wrong and called about it and spoken to somoene. I should have called again this morning too, about my mother going, talked to someone instead of leaving a message. It would have been on my head if something happened to him today. Thank goodness he was home safe and sound, and even ate his snack I sent with him, and thank that mother for watching him, whomever she was, and not just leaving him off to play on his own the whole time.

So my question is, what would you do?

I am never trusting my mother to bring him to anything like that again, from now on I am going myself, staying there and picking him up myself, like I do any other and every other time. Or at least Chris. This is the second time something has been cancelled and we showed up anyways, only last time, it was a public play group and it was cancelled due to weather, but no one called at all. I just can't figure out why no one called me!

On top of that we got a 4th call about Rose from school concerning her lunch. She ate almost the entire thing at snack time. I sent a sandwich and 3 different types of fruit snacks (apple sauce, appricot halfs and a fruit bar). Well she ate all but the fruit bar at snack, or hid it or something, so she would get pizza at lunch time. We took pizza days away from her because she wasn't behaving and she does this! It's like I said, the 4th time this school year she's pulled this stunt. Plus she tells me she has her mitts in her backpack this morning when she does not. She was sent home with someone else's on again. So sick of the lies! And the tantrums! And making me out to be the bad parent here when I am the one who parents here more then anyone else.

I need a vacation, time away with just my OWN children, without Chris and Rose. But there is no way I could make it happen without putting us into financial crisis or something, or having a huge fight with Chris.

Thursday 17 March 2011

Something must have stuck.

I had alot of words on Monday with Rose and I guess something must have stuck. Tuesday she was so much better behaved. Yesterday she was good all day with the babysitter. So far today she is behaving decent enough. And I am hoping the rest of the day is the same, and tomorrow she is going to gymnastics day camp with the babysitter's daughter, so hopefully she is on her best behaviour.

It's St. Patty's Day. I have no green clean outside a green and white tank top, lol. So I am wearing that. Charlotte is in her light green pants and a onesie with green trim and decor. Rose only owns one green clothing item and it's dirty as she wore it yesterday, but whatever, she's a little girl, lol, who cares. We're not going out today, but an old roommate of mine may come over to visit and catch up.

On another note, I am not happy with Chris at the moment and I think I need to sit down with him tonight or tomorrow and chat. He is saying things that are making me question if we're going to work as a married couple. Like that I baby Darien and I don't see it and making me seem like a horrible parent for it, comparing him to Rose, who's seriously damaged and I am the only one trying to fix it. He needs to realize how serious and personal these comments are.

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Fuck You Dr. Dimwitt Bitch.

So some of you might know this story and if so please skip down to today's problem. For those of you who do not know the whole story, read on.

My son is 3 and a half year old. He's got asthma, weak lower bowel muscles (had difficulty pushing stool out at times and get constipated quite easily), is a small llittle guy (27lbs, been this weight for at least a year, maybe more) and is the sweetest kid you will ever meet (unless he tired, lol).

When Charlotte was 6 weeks old (she is 14 weeks old tomorrow), I noticed Darien had dropped (testicles into scrotom) and when this happened, he developed a large, bluish egg-like mass in his scrotum. I took him in with Charlotte to the 6 week well-check and he was examined as well as her. We were sent from the pediatrician's office directly to a urologist, with a speech of what the pedi thinks this was, twisted vas deferns (the string like thing that supplies blood to the testicles), and if this was it, he required immidiate sugery. Awesome! So off to the urologist we went, to hear this was one of two possibilities, and we went to an ultrasound (what was kind of like doing a circle, the pedi's office is beside the hospital where they did it, the urologist is up the street the opposite way) and had him examined. This whole time, I am not aloud to feed my child, offer him anything to drink, etc. as if he needs surgery he has to have stomach clear for 6 hours before. Awesome, again. So we get the results after 3 hours waiting (yes, 3 hours with a 3 year old and 6 week old... at least the then 4 year old was at Grandma's with Dad) and then go back to the urologist. He looks and says it's a cyst and should go away on it's own and wants u sback in 3 months. I'm thinking, phew!

A few days later this thing is causing him to not be able to release stool as it hurts too much, poor kid gives himself a ficsher pushing, and back to the hospital we go, ER this time as before this, I don't know why my baby boy is bleeding from the bottom. Thankfully nothing serious!

So 2 or 3 weeks go by and not only is this thing not going away, it's now larger and causing pain. I call again, we go back to the urologist again, and he orders another ultrasound. We wait 2-3 more weeks. Now the radiologist says this is a hernia! Um, ok... now what? We go back to the urologist again about a week later. He says he does not deal with this and we have to go to CHEO. (Children's hospital.) He says it requires surgery but not the kind he does. And, while there, realizes he does not like the progress the peale build-up of smegma is coming out (from him not letting us tough his penis for so long as it hurts), and removed it... by RETRACTING HIS FORESKIN forcefully! My kid screamed bloody murder and turned blue in the face from it. HATED that, I cried watching him. He bawled everytime he peed for the next two days.

 So we wait ANOTHER 3 weeks and during this time, he's getting worse, having nights it hurts to pee, having nights he can't stop peeing, some nights he can`t sleep from being in pain, some days he can`t play from the pain, heck he even sat out on his sister`s 5th birthday party games because of it and didn`t eat her cake! Now tell me that`s not serious! I also had my doctor take a look and he says it looks more like both a hernia and cyst overlapping. He also sent a refferal to surgury.

So fast forward to today. We make the almost two hour drive to CHEO and first is his hearing test (routine due to speech therapy and some issues we`ve had) and is within normal range. Ok, cool, next appointment after lunch. So we go in and we see a med student. We tell him the whole story, he examines him, rights down some stuff and gets the surgen. Well this lady is maybe 50 and thinks she know it all. Hardly has anything to say to me, she`s more teaching this med student then talking to us. And talks all medical to us when she does. Basically says he does not need surgery, this will go away on it`s own but could take a year and THEN if it does not, they will operate! Seriously! Oh, and according her her, he is not in pain, he`s just trying to get attention! COME ON!

AND THEN! On the way home, DF and I are talking about it. And... he AGREES with the surgen! After 3 doctors telling me he needed surgery and two of them reffering him to a surgen, then this dimwit says make him suffer, he agreed with the dimwitt! GRRR!I was so pissed! I mean don`t get me wrong, I LOVE that he might not need this surgery but they didn`t do anything to help us! They even told me to stop the Tylenol for pain because he shouldn`t be having any! Seriously I am irate at that bitch.

I cannot wait to see the look on her face when we`re in her ER in a month and my kid`s crying out in pain. I hope and pray it is gone and this is not what happens. But if it is...

Monday 14 March 2011

I can't do it.

I cannot be a mother to someone who wants to make my life a living hell.  I swear if I left the picture she would not even do this shit. Rose is acting worse and worse every day. She is physically abusive, mentally abusive, and emotionally abusive to everyone, Darien and I are the worst. I am suppose to be watching her all week this week. How do I parent her, and my sick 3 year old, and my needy 3 month old?  I can't!

Wednesday 9 March 2011


I had one heck of a long and up & down day yesterday.

It startred out kind of rocky, Rose was in a horrible mood all the way to school, but we got there. I came home and showered and that helped.

Darien had a great speech therapy appointment, he was moved from just words, to sentances! Yay! The therapist was super impressed in his progress this week.

Then DD's prinicple called, she's lying to them about stuff now again, said her bruise on her face was from falling out of bed. It was really from face planting the heater on Sunday. That didn't go well.

But then I found out when DF picked us up, his school schedule is totally changed. He is now 5 full days, 8am until anywhere from 5pm until 6:30pm (3 days is 6:30pm)! Meaning basically, 3-4 days a week I am a single parent to all three kids for all 3 meals, everything in between them, he'll be home if we're lucky for bed time! He took yesterday afternoon off though because we already planned for me to go to a LLL meeting at 6:30.  And he is going to try to get today off early because it's Rose's 5th birthday and we want to take her out for dinner as a family. But he also has to be off tomorrow early for her therapy appointment, because they're doing phsyciatric testing and he needs to concent.

Anyways! Then I ran out of diapers and had to call Df's cousin and send him over there. (Yes I use cloth now but my washing machine was switched to my new one last night, and I needed hoses, they were braught later in the day.) She sent like a dozen of them, I asked for 2-3! LOL We're good for a long while now!

Then after DD got home from school and talk to her about her stories, she denied them of course, and said "I forgot". Anyways then my sister came over for a couple hours with my nephew. Then I walked her to my mother's work and caught a bus to the LLL meeting. While there, I reconnected with old friends, made some new ones, found a couple CD mommas and got a free pocket diaper (happy flute, minky pink w/ white stars) from one of them who is now potty training her daughter. Then I lost one of Charlotte's Elmo shoes, and missed the bus and had to wait outside for 20min. Not fun! Thankfully LOs little feet were tucked under my coat with the rest of her. But my hands froze. And the bus ride home was long!

Then I came back and cooked muffins for DD to bring to school for her birthday. And as soon as I decided it was time for bed, Charlotte woke up. So I was in bed at about midnight. And we had to co-sleep all night for her to stay sleeping, she woke up 2 or 3 times even then though, but was sleeping when we got up (me and Chris) so I left her in bed with a pillow between her and the edge so she wouldn't roll off. She woke up alone without crying this time, and was all smiles when she saw me come in!

Rose was super thankful for her muffins this morning. Though she did start misbehaving, as did Darien, when it came time to leave for school. I don't get it. I even took a shower this morning and they were fine. *sigh* But we did get up early and had an hour once all 4 of us were ready to play. And on the way home I stopped in at the store, the local one where I know the owner, and his ex-wife dropped off a dozen Kushies cloth diapers for me and some other baby stuff she cleared out while unpacking, so I got those and tried one out already, with my berryplush cover, not too bad. I think it was the cover that really saved it though. So I'll use those at home.

I'm so tired. So much happens in such a short span. in 24hrs I had so many good and bad things happen.

Monday 7 March 2011

Late Night Thoughts.

Every night at this time, I do one of three things. Eat, watch TV, and go online. Why? Because I am keeping my mind occupied as not to think of the day's stresses and keep myself awake. Sometimes it works. Sometimes I just binge eat and feel guilty about it and fight with myself the rest of the night not to purge, reminding myself that I need the food for more then just me now. Charlotte needs it because she is eating what I eat in a way. Darien needs it because he needs a strong healthy mother who is there for him now. And Rose... she needs me more then she will ever know.

Rose did not have a good day today. This is a prime example of my stresses. I had to carry her through snow that was up to my knees almost. Because she was having one of the many tantrums of the day. But they are always the most stressing during this time. She has to go to school and she has to get home. When I am walking with one or two of the kids, it's the worst. At least alone I have the option to carry her, even if it means I start getting short of breath and getting heart palpatations. Only today once we were home after school it started again and didn't stop until 2hrs after bedtime. We tried to take things away, we tried to ignore the bad behaviour, reward the good, even full out actively ignored her. It just kept escalating. I seriously think something more is wrong, something deeper. I know there is more to the visits with her mother then we know. Just not sure what. But I don't even mean that... I mean it's as though she's battling mental demons on top of this.

Darien is such a good kid, but when Rose is pissing him off now he fights back. He used to not do this, but Chris encouraged it, and now that he does, he gets in trouble. How's that for favoritism?

I honestly worry so much, and wonder so often, would it be better if I just went back to being a single mother? I did such a good job. I know I could do it again with 2, since Rose is obviously not going to stay with me, because she would need to go with Chris if she split. I did a great job as a single mother for Darien and until all this shit started with Rose... and when she is calm, I am calmer, and I see the difference in Darien. I should try to be more calm with him, I yell too much at him for no reason other then frustration towards Rose or just life in general. I think tomorrow that will be my goal. Not to yell at them at all. I made it until almost dinnertime today, and stopped when I saw how mad I was getting, that is when I started the active ingoring on Rose. Then she started body slamming the bathroom door when I was helping Darien was his hair, so I guess that did not work today as well as I thought it would.

Sunday 6 March 2011

First Entry. Intro my my family.

Hello. I created this to basically document my family trials, tribulations and victories. I will not release my last name or the last name of anyone in my blog, only first names. I will say who is who the first time I write about them, but not repeat it every entry. Most of the people who I add, know me somehow, so they will be able to figure it out.

My darling baby girl Charlotte. She is 12 weeks old. She's about 14 pounds and 23 inches. She's living off mommy milk, cloth diapered 95% of the time (have sposies for back up in the diaper bag), advanced in her developement physically, has acid reflux and therefor is on Zantac 3x a day, but otherwise quite healthy. She was born at 3:57am on March 9th after a 5 hour labor (from 4cm or active labor to birth). I have a full birth story if you want to see it, just ask. I had a natural, unmedicated, vaginal birth in a homely setting hospital and used a birthing tub with jets to get through the rough middle stage. I had a midwife. She was 7lbs 6oz and 20in at birth. Anyways, back to now. She's a smiley, laughing, cooing, active little girl.She is wearing size 3M clothes (some thing 0-3 and 3-6 months as well, but mainly 3M), size 2 diapers when is sposies, and preffers cloth over dispaosables (seriosuly she smiles every time I put a new cloth diaper on her). She has blue eyes and I am hoping they stay blue as she is the only blue eyed baby in our family! She sleeps (usually) 6hr nights from 10-11pm until 5-6am, then usually has an hour nursing session, then is back out for 1 or 2 hours, cuddling with Momma. She sleeps the stretch in her rocking chair beside the bed. She sleeps 2-4hrs before this, with an hour or two in between awake.

My dear boy, Darien. He is 3 1/2. His birthday is in Sept. He is a tiny little man with many health issues. He was born a healthy 6lbs, 6oz, and 19in. Strong and adorable at birth, lifting his head right out of the womb, nursed well, everything. He was breastfed mainly for the first 12 months of his life. Formula was occational, usually when away from me, or when ordered medically, but not often. He started jarred baby purees at 5 months 3 weeks, and by 7 months was on normal food one meal a day, and stage 3 jarred baby food 1 meal a day, still nursing. By 9 months his meals were all real food, he used utencils, started using a reguar cup with watred down juice or pure water at meals, and was still nursing. From about one month until 7 months he had a strange vommitting problem, he would randomly throw up little bits, or whole meals, and despite 3 months of testing nothing was ever found. Then in his 7th month it went away as oddly as it came. He was in swimming lessons from 4-6 months. He was breastfed until 17 or 18 months. He took his first plane ride at 19 months to see his aunt Heather, my BFF, for her wedding (we were in the wedding). He did awesome, better then me, even though he just got over his first ear infection from the week previous and was still on antibiotics. His biological father was in and out of his life since day one. He was there for the birth, then was gone for 5 weeks, then took him for one of only two overnight visits from then until age 2. He was really involved for a few months, the dropped out of his life. On Christmas Eve 2009, I served him papers to take him for custody. He never showed up at court. He has not been in Darien's life since, not a single phone call, visit, or email concerning him. So now, my fiance is his father, the only one he knows and loves and calls Daddy. He's a brown-eyed boy with light brown hair and is 27 1/2 pounds and about 32in. He's been 27lbs since he was 26 months old. He's still fitting size 2 clothing (though size 3 shirts are not too big either).

Little princess Rose. She will be 5 on Wednsday. She has been in my life she she was 2 years old. She is not mine biologically. Her biological mother, unfortunately, is still in her life. I say unfortunately because she only causes pain and frustration to her daughter and the rest of us, but we shall have another post about this, as it is al ong, straining story. She has lived with my fiance since she was about 18 months or so, he has full custody of her and makes all the decitions that matter. I met her in February, a month before her 3rd birthday, and 2 months before I started dating my fiance. She is a very energetic, loving, whole-hearted little girl. She gived 110% at everything she does, be it a good or bad thing, and is not afraid to be loud, is not shy, and is effectionate and passionate... the downside being she also has a temper to match it. She can throw the worst tantrums known to man. Lasting anywhere from 20 second, to 2 hours, and can be as small as whining, and as big as kicking and screaming, slapping and hitting, clawing and biting, throwing and slamming, name-calling all-out fits. They're unpredictable, they have a million triggers, and they're a pain, literally at times. But on the flip-side, when she shows her love and effections, she shows them in the kindest ways, with huge hugs and kisses, kind gestures, loving touches, and things like pictures colored specifically for you when you would least expect something kind from her. She's got brown eyes, dirty blond hair, is about 42lbs and 42in. and wears size 5 clothes (and some size 4 and 6).

My fiance, Chris. He's a stalky man, about 200lbs and 5'7". He's got brown eyes and dark brown hair. And a reddish brown goutee he refuses to remove, despite all of our efforts, lol. He's a puzzle. He can be the sweetest, kindest, more effectionate and loving person in the world, or the coldest asshole you have ever seen, depending on his mood and the day he's had and where we're at. You will understand more as I write more. Our relationship has been rocky from day one, and not typical. We dated 3 months before I got my first ring, my promise ring. We dated a month before we had sex, but when we did, it was all out romantic, a get away for two, with candles and a jacoozie involved. When we returned from that trip is when I realized I wanted to spend the rest of my life with this man, I had a feeling only one other man had ever given me, and I waited too long to wear that man's ring and never got a chance. But that is a whole other story too. We got engaged about a year and a half ago in October. The place was typical, the kitchen, but the words were as romantic as anything. We origionally set the date for May this year, but moved it to August after we found out about Charlotte, and realized it just could not be done, I could not leave her that soon after having her, and financially we could not do it either.

Heather, my bestest best friend forever. She lives across the country but she is the closest person to me in my life, ever. We met online about 12 years ago and though out friendship was not that of a best friend for about 6 months, once it was, we were not going to be seperated, ever, even though she moved so far away. (When we started talking, she only lived a 5hr drive. Now she's over a 5hr plane ride.) She has two daughters, one 5yrs and one 1yr. She's maried. We talk every day online and on the phone and via text. I was her maid of honor and she will be mine. We've been there for each other through good times and bad. I tell her everything and anything and she does the same with me. I'm closer to her then my own biological sister, and trust in her more. And I am the closest thing she has to a sister as she's an only child, kind of the sister she never had, since her mother "adopted" me when I was there last, lol.

I also have a sister, Trish, who's married but just split up with her husband, and has a son who's 9 months old. My parents are still married, but they have been up and down and split up more times then I can count, my father's an addict and alcoholic and my mother's his biggest critic and his biggest enabler, but she cannot live without him in the long run. We don't always get along, because she wasn't always the greatest mother, and he wasn't always the greatest father.

That is all I have time for right now. My kids need me.